Can ai be used in automation?

The most critical component of intelligent automation is artificial intelligence, or AI. By using machine learning and complex algorithms to analyze structured and unstructured data, companies can develop a knowledge base and make predictions based on that data.

Can ai be used in automation?

The most critical component of intelligent automation is artificial intelligence, or AI. By using machine learning and complex algorithms to analyze structured and unstructured data, companies can develop a knowledge base and make predictions based on that data. This is the AI decision engine. The adoption of AI in the manufacturing industry must be considered a positive development, and fruitful results can be achieved by training and retraining the existing workforce.

AI and automation will allow people to focus on activities that create more value for their roles and for the company. The practical knowledge of the latest technologies used in manufacturing, combined with the practical experience possessed by today's workforce, can position them at the forefront of the transformation of the manufacturing industry.