Using AI as a Service to Create Predictive Models

Learn how businesses can leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Service (AaaS) solutions for creating predictive models that help them gain insights into customer behavior and make informed decisions.

Using AI as a Service to Create Predictive Models

AI predictive modeling is a powerful tool for businesses to gain insights into customer behavior and make informed decisions. It involves extracting and analyzing data from the past to predict future trends and outcomes. This approach allows companies to prioritize certain methods, target more profitable customer segments, and allocate resources to develop higher-performing business models. AI has traditionally been used to predict customer buying patterns, helping determine what people will buy next or how much they're willing to pay for a product or service. In order to stay ahead of the competition, brands need to constantly learn more about their customers and their changing preferences.

Machine learning is a subset of AI that uses statistical techniques and data to extract algorithms and models for learning. It applies the generalizations of its learning to new situations and tasks without direct human programming. Systems created using machine learning can learn from their own experiences and historical data. As major business intelligence providers introduce advanced analytics and AI capabilities into their self-service BI platforms, business users have more access to predictive analytics. AI Platform Prediction is a service that can be used to host models in production, as well as test models. Generative AI can also be used to create more technical materials, such as higher-resolution versions of medical images.

As new versions of AI Platform Prediction are released, models developed with older versions may become obsolete. The model implemented in AI Platform Prediction consists of one or more artifacts produced through training with hosted frameworks such as TensorFlow, scikit-learn or XGBoost. You'll generally want as many nodes as the service uses, but the use of nodes is subject to the AI Platform Prediction quota policy. Voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are based on AI technology, as are the customer service chatbots that appear on websites. AI can also be used to predict customer needs and preferences.If your model version uses a Compute Engine (N) machine type and less than two nodes, it is excluded from the service level agreement (SLA) of the AI platform.

You can request predictions in batches using a model that you have not implemented in the AI Platform Prediction service. The most obvious difference between AI and predictive analytics is that AI can be autonomous and learn on its own. The use of AI has great value in understanding how customers experience their trips with their products and services. Your customer service center can use AI to predict that John will be interested in increasing his monthly data allowance to solve that problem. You should review the AI Platform Prediction version control policy and make sure that you understand the runtime version of AI Platform Prediction that you use to train the versions of your models. When using online prediction, the service executes the saved model and returns the requested predictions as a response message for the call.

How Can Businesses Leverage AI as a Service?

Businesses can leverage Artificial Intelligence (AI) as a Service (AaaS) to create predictive models that help them gain insights into customer behavior and make informed decisions.

By extracting data from past trends, businesses can use predictive analytics to prioritize certain methods, target more profitable customer segments, and allocate resources for higher-performing business models. AI-powered voice assistants like Siri and Alexa are becoming increasingly popular among consumers, while customer service chatbots are being used by businesses to provide automated support. Additionally, businesses can use AI-driven predictive analytics to anticipate customer needs and preferences.

What Are The Benefits Of Using AaaS?

Using AaaS offers several advantages for businesses looking to leverage predictive analytics. Firstly, it eliminates the need for businesses to invest in expensive hardware or software solutions for creating predictive models. Secondly, AaaS provides access to advanced analytics capabilities which would otherwise be difficult or expensive for businesses to obtain. Thirdly, AaaS allows businesses to quickly deploy predictive models in production environments without having to worry about compatibility issues or other technical challenges.

Finally, AaaS provides businesses with access to real-time insights which can help them make better decisions faster.


AI predictive modeling is an invaluable tool for businesses looking to gain insights into customer behavior and make informed decisions. By leveraging AaaS solutions, businesses can quickly deploy predictive models in production environments without having to invest in expensive hardware or software solutions. Additionally, AaaS provides access to advanced analytics capabilities which would otherwise be difficult or expensive for businesses to obtain.