What Types of Algorithms are Used in AI as a Service?

Learn about the types of algorithms used in AI as a Service, including supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning algorithms, and machine learning algorithms.

What Types of Algorithms are Used in AI as a Service?

The utilization of algorithms in AI as a Service is far-reaching and deeply embedded, allowing for large-scale classification and regression tasks such as recommendation systems, search and classification problems. AI Platform Training utilizes an estimator-based implementation of TensorFlow. Semi-supervised learning is a similar approach to supervised learning, but it combines labeled and unlabeled data. Labeled data is information that has been given meaningful labels so that the algorithm can comprehend it, while unlabeled data lacks this information. By combining these two types of data, machine learning algorithms can learn to label the unlabeled data.

Here, the machine learning algorithm studies the data to identify patterns. There is no answer key or human operator to provide instructions; instead, the machine determines correlations and relationships by analyzing the available data. In an unsupervised learning process, the machine learning algorithm is allowed to interpret large sets of data and address them accordingly. The algorithm attempts to organize the data in some way to describe its structure. This could involve grouping the data into clusters or arranging it in a way that makes it appear more organized.

AI algorithms are usually divided into two categories: deep learning algorithms that use deep neural networks and machine learning algorithms such as regression and classification.