Exploring the Different Types of Cloud Computing Services Available Through AI as a Service

Cloud technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming increasingly commonplace in businesses of all industries. Companies are looking to outsource this technology to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Explore different types of cloud computing services a

Exploring the Different Types of Cloud Computing Services Available Through AI as a Service

Cloud technology and artificial intelligence (AI) are becoming increasingly commonplace in businesses of all industries. Companies are looking to outsource this technology to reduce costs and improve efficiency, and many cloud computing providers offer AI-based solutions in their packages. In this article, we will explore the different types of cloud computing services available through AI as a Service (AIaaS).The three most popular types of cloud service offerings are IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a Service, and it provides customers with access to virtualized computing resources such as servers, storage, networks and operating systems.

PaaS stands for Platform as a Service, and it provides customers with access to development tools, databases and other services that can be used to develop applications. SaaS stands for Software as a Service, and it provides customers with access to applications that can be used without having to install or maintain them. IBM Cloud is one of the most popular cloud computing platforms in use today. It offers IaaS, PaaS and SaaS solutions for developers to create applications with a variety of languages. In addition, IBM Cloud also provides private cloud solutions for business customers who want to keep their data on-premises.

Wipro Holmes is another leader in information technology, consulting and business process services that harnesses the power of cognitive computing, hyperautomation, robotics, cloud, analytics and emerging technologies to help clients adapt and thrive in the changing landscape of the digital world. Salesforce is another popular cloud computing provider that offers AI-based solutions. With deep insight into customer data, Salesforce allows customers to use this information to strengthen relationships, prioritize leads, cases, and campaigns to drive business forward. Oracle is another provider that offers AI learning and machine learning options for every skill level. Oracle solutions help customers create, train and implement models with open source frameworks such as PyTorch and Tensorflow. DataRobot is based in Boston, Massachusetts and operates an enterprise AI platform to provide companies with access to machine learning.

The platform has automation capabilities in the stages of creating, implementing and managing the creation of machine learning models, as well as AI implementation, training and support services. Across Asia, Alibaba Cloud is the leading cloud computing platform and offers its customers a sophisticated machine learning platform for AI. Google is a leader in artificial intelligence and data analysis. Google Cloud sells several artificial intelligence and machine learning services to companies, with an industry-leading software project, TensorFlow, as well as its own Tensor AI chip project. AWS is the undisputed leader in cloud computing and offers artificial intelligence (AI) products and services aimed at both consumers and businesses. Azure Cognitive Services provides pre-designed capabilities such as the Cloud Vision API which can identify objects, logos and reference points within images; text within an image; find similar images on the Web; or detect faces and read expressions.

Azure Machine Learning (AML) allows developers to train high-quality machine learning models using Google's existing APIs. ML Engine brings machine learning models to production using TensorFlow models that must be trained for several scenarios. IBM has a wealth of AI offerings available under the Watson brand for AI services. Watson Studio helps create and train AI models; prepare data; perform data analysis; add pre-designed chatbot; anomaly detection; natural language processing (NLP); voice; machine vision capabilities; etc., to applications and operations. Amazon SageMaker is used by companies such as Intuit, GE Healthcare, ADP INC., Cerner, Dow Jones etc., while Amazon Lex creates “conversational interfaces” in any application that uses voice and text using the advanced deep learning techniques of automatic voice recognition (ASR). Amazon Transcribe is used by echo360, GE Appliances, Isentia etc. AI capabilities in the cloud computing environment are crucial for making business operations more efficient, strategic and information-based while providing flexibility, agility and additional cost savings.

Using Azure has some limitations if you try to develop your own algorithms or custom models; it's more suitable for use cases where pre-trained models are used or something is created that can be run as a web service or a mobile application.