Why is automation important in customer service?

It can significantly shorten response times, helping to keep customers satisfied. It also allows customers to help themselves, solving their own problems.

Why is automation important in customer service?

It can significantly shorten response times, helping to keep customers satisfied. It also allows customers to help themselves, solving their own problems. This saves them the trouble of asking your team for help and allows them to focus on other tasks. One of the reasons is that automation can produce an immediate improvement in the most important customer service metrics.

AI chatbots are capable of reducing resolution times by 30%, while response and management times are also reduced in a similar way. A large percentage of customers just want you to help them help themselves. Many prefer to solve a problem for themselves rather than someone else doing it for them. Automated customer service allows customers to manage simple tasks on their own, eliminating intermediaries and allowing them to resolve issues in a timely manner.

There is nothing more practical or faster than a solution that the customer can implement on their own. The efforts required to find the right answer to a problem in manual databases, the need to send several experts to a workplace to make a diagnosis or solve a problem, or the waiting time while call centers exchange a customer from one service provider to another, can be an obstacle to achieving optimal performance and satisfaction. Learn what you can achieve with intuitive automation in the Online Business Customer Service Automation Handbook, now available as a free download. Although AI is learning to manage complex problems, for the time being, these customers will get the best possible service if you send them to a person, not to a bot.

Automated customer service is a type of assistance provided by automated technologies, such as chatbots powered by AI, and not by people. An AI chatbot can even act as a customer's personal shopping assistant, fluidly asking them about their preferences and sharing product details to improve the shopping experience. Monitor your automated customer service by collecting as much data as you can and auditing it frequently. With nearly 75% of customer service agents at risk of burnout, the room for maneuver that automation offers customer service teams cannot be underestimated.

In addition, AI customer service software can identify which visitors are most likely to make a purchase.